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Intergroup & ISO

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What is “Intergroup?”

Intergroup is a monthly “business” meeting, where member-elected representatives and officers discuss items that affect its serving members. It is also where announcements and literature are disseminated to individual meetings via its representatives. Any member may attend, although only officers and one representative per meeting may vote. No individual may carry more than one vote.

What does “ISO” mean?

ISO stands for International Service Office and is the central office for Gamblers Anonymous. It handles items such as official literature, and new group meeting starter kits, as well as any issues involving Gamblers Anonymous as a whole. In other countries, an RSO (Regional Service Office) may handle such issues.

Life-Line Bulletins

The Life-Line Bulletin is a monthly newsletter for and about members of Gamblers Anonymous and published by the International Service Office. It provides our members a chance to share their experience, strength and hope with each other through the Group News section; and to also see some of the important aspects that help GA continue to carry the message to those who still suffer.

Reading the Bulletin every month is a great way to stay connected.

GA National / Internal Website
Copyright © 2022
Western Washington (Area 2H) GA Intergroup
Powered By Unity